Kids of the Week - Paisley, Lane, and Brylie

By: Ruben Borjas, Jr., Columnist, Montgomery County News
| Published 02/15/2024


MONTGOMERY, TX -- This impressive trio of siblings blew me away. Paislie, 14, is the oldest. Lane, 8, is the youngest, and Brylie, 12, is the second youngest. They were on their way to Fort Worth for some event, possibly to do with goats, which seems to be the trio's passion. They all go to private school somewhere in mid-county. Paislie is in 8th grade. She plays volleyball, which makes sense for being an athletic looking young lady. Paislie got a drum set for Christmas, and plans to be part of the family band when she gets a strong sense of rhythm, precise timing, and the ability to maintain a steady beat. She’s got a good friend named Jasper (a girl), and plans on majoring in agriculture at Texas A&M. Lane, 8, is a 2nd grader. He also shows goats, and plays baseball. His favorite position is catcher, but also plays shortstop and first base. Lane says he can count to 100 if needs be. He aspires to be a Major League ball player, and he is still undecided on Texas A&M, but goats are probably in his future too. His best friend is Liam. Brylie. 12, is a 7th grader. She is a singer, who performs at church but also sings at local restaurants, mostly in other parts of the county. The girls are big Payton Riley fans. Brylie plans on being an AG Teacher or Animal Chiropractor, which is a profession I didn’t know even existed until she said it. In the family band, her Dad plays guitar, and as soon her sister is able to play the sticks and play, she will join the band as well. Brylie shows goats as well, and has done well claiming championship goats like her sister, and racking up belt buckle trophies. They name their goats after Top Gun characters, so they have to have good showings. Incredibly, the family does not drink goats milk, but just grow the goats for their meat. But leave it to the trio to find a way to use the goats milk in making soaps or lotions in the future.

Keep Paislie, Lane, and Brylie on your radar, because they are gonna go far. Good Luck, and Congratulations on being ‘Kids of the Week’.