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OP/ED - The Second Trump Era Begins

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX -- Monday, January 20th, was a great day. An historic day. For only the second time, a President was sworn in for a nonconsecutive presidential term. It hadn’t happened since Grover Cleveland (22/24) in 1893. But from noon on the 20th, we now have a Chief Citizen that doesn’t need to wear adult diapers or get wiped by a presidential Nanny. We have a Commander in Chief who knows how to exit a stage without getting lost. We have a Chief Executive who is in complete command of all of his mental faculties. We have a Chief Diplomat who will be able to get The World back in shape. And we now have a President of The United States, Donald John Trump, Numbers 45 & 47, who will Make America Great Again!
I wrote back in December ‘Was the Sacrifice Worth It,’ an essay about the 2020 Election, and how it was stolen by Democrats, and its devastating effects on the American people. But it also showed how inept the Democrat Party was in running The Country for the last four years. And the Democrat weakness also emboldened The World to start turning into hell, but thankfully Adults are now back in charge. I argued that if Trump had won in 2020, his second term would not have been as effective, seeing as the mainstream media at the time had not been spayed (I say ‘spayed,’ because all Democrat men are feminized). But now with the current legacy media chopped down to size, if they want to be successful, they’re going to have to compete with a load of new Trump supporting media types out there who are a lot more fair, and want the United States and The World to succeed.
After the inauguration, and thankfully a peaceful one at that, President Trump started signing Executive Orders. He signed dozens and dozens of EO’s, at the Capitol Building, the Capital One Arena Presidential Parade, and dozens at The White House, in The Oval Office, while giving a two and a half hour press conference. Something that President Biden could never have done. The inauguration on Monday, being held inside the capitol, saved who knows how many millions of dollars, which I think is a good move. It made sense. Our Country is hurting financially, and in so many other ways, that needless spending, and waiting endless hours outside in the cold, just wasn’t worth it.
President Trump has assembled an incredible team of people, who all appear to be totally committed, from Vice President J.D. Vance on down. It’s gonna be exciting to see how The Country and The World react to President Trump’s leadership in his Second Term. He’s not playing games, and winning on clear mandates of the popular vote and electoral college, has appeared to shift the attitudes of the people, media, and politicians. The bureaucracy still needs to be whipped into shape, since they still believe they can counter Trump’s mandate of The People. But when the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) gets started, the current federal employees who want to counter Trump behind the scenes, will find themselves out of a job and career. Elon Musk didn’t get where he is by not verifying productivity at every position, and Musk’s team will have the rubrics in place to ensure that promised undermining by the Deep State Bureaucracy cannot possibly take place.
I hope Trump asks the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) for their opinion on Presidential Pardons. Biden made a mockery of the practice, and in-kind demeaned the Office of The President. Are preemptive pardons legal? Are pardoning family members legal? Are pardoning members of a political party who knowingly committed crimes (J6 Committee), legal? A SCOTUS decision is needed. It sets a dangerous precedent, that if a President's family members or fellow party members commit a crime, they can easily be pardoned when the said President leaves office. If anyone knows anyone that has the ear of someone in Congress, The White House, or SCOTUS, please ask them on my behalf about this concern.
Back to that Press Conference where 45/47 signed the dozens of EOs in The Oval Office. He would sign an EO, then answer a question. To me, the media seemed tamer than usual. It could be a honeymoon period, but with this Administration’s attitude towards anti-US media, and the same legacy media needing to make a buck to stay in business, they may not be in such a mood to resist like they did during Trump’s first term. CNN has exiled Jim Acosta. 47’s pledge of transparency, of telling the truth, which is the right way to govern, is gonna cause leftist heads to explode. How can a media that hates the US promote hatred against a truth teller. Of course, not everything should be out in the open, but being honest with the American people is the best way forward.
The media after Lyndon Johnson started acting like The Soviet Union’s KGB, and weak Republicans back then, had no idea how to react. President Reagan had some success, George Bush, Jr. somewhat, but it wasn’t until Trump, who started to outwit the leftist media, calling their bluffs, that people started to take notice, but the GOP weaklings during Trump’s first Administration, were linguini spined, and refused to back 47. Donald Trump’s third Presidential Campaign was a Masterclass in how to take on the legacy media, and coupled with Elon Musk’s bravado in taking on the social media class, and winning; it set the stage for America to have another chance at success. And Thank God for it!
I love how Trump handles the media. He fights back. He has a backbone of steel, which does not bend. He’s legendary. Able to look a bullet in the eye, and tell it to ‘go to hell.’ Trump’s legacy is Republicans who can take on the media and shut them down, and it happens a lot. That of course, and leaving America in a lot better shape than he found it under Biden. I believe the Democrats are stunned, and they may not recover for a long time. And if they do, they are gonna have to tack starboard close to center to even stand a chance in the future. The California fires this year have shown the total incompetence of Democrats, and with the anticipated actions on voter identification requirements coming down the line, states like California are gonna be forced to ‘play fair’ when it comes to voting.
The leftist media on Monday were their usual negative selves, with CNN and MSNBC topping the charts. It was wall to wall negativity, where those that hate themselves, yet love their negativity; go to comfort each other. To even think like a Democrat nowadays boggles the logical mind. Conservative Scott Jennings, a CNN Senior Political Commentator, is saving the financially strapped network now, because he offers a voice of reason, opposed to the raging socialism of CNN leftists. Jennings logic simply outruns his left of center colleagues at CNN, and there is no question that if he is forced from the panel shows on CNN, the network may fold due to echo-chamber induced boredom.
President Trump’s attitude is gonna lift the spirits of The Nation. A leader’s attitude is always a great indicator of how a nation responds. Biden had no relationship with the American people, and we saw how The Nation wanted a change. And we got the right leader at the right time, to lead us out of harm’s way, and back into prosperous times. God Bless President Donald J. Trump!!!
Ruben can be reached at: ruben@montgomerycountynews.net