An Evening of Life and Liberty To Remember

By: Billy Adams
| Published 03/20/2021


CONROE, TX -- Montgomery County Judge, Wayne Mack reminded the audience at the Life and Liberty Conference on March 9 of a quote from former President Ronald Reagan. That quote reads “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” That one quote set the tone of what would turn out to be a powerful and inspiring evening hosted by The Republican Women Clubs of Montgomery County and hosted at Mims Baptist Church in Conroe, Texas.

Along with Judge Wayne Mack, notable speakers, Lt. Col. (Retired) Allen West, chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, Abby Johnson, Pro-life advocate and the focus of the movie “Unplanned”, as well as several local area speakers reached out to the audience with a common theme. Emceed by Texas Youth Summit founder, Christian Collins, the night was a plea to fight for the values and freedoms that we sometimes take for granted. The theme of the evening focused on being bold, taking up the mantle of protecting freedom and valuing life that our predecessors worked towards since the founding of our country.

Judge Wayne Mack

Judge Wayne Mack’s speech focused on an important question. That question was whether we would be the last generation to see freedom as we know it today. Would we lose the fight for life and liberty, allowing a world where future generations never really know what true freedom is or experience their God-given right to live and worship as they please. Would we allow unborn babies to be killed in the mother’s womb to placate a society moving further and further away from Biblical morality.

Allen West

Allen West reminded us of important periods in history that demonstrated moral clarity and strength of conviction. One story talked about Abraham Lincoln at the end of the civil war. Another story talked about the line drawn in the sand at the battle of the Alamo. He stressed the important of individual responsibility in protecting our freedoms. He showed the audience that one man or woman can truly make a difference if we just step out on faith. He talked about how Joshua in the Bible dedicated his life and efforts to the Lord with the quote “As for Me and My House, We Will Serve the Lord”. In both speeches, Wayne Mack and Allen West stressed that many times in history, what turned the tide on winning for freedom boiled down to individuals deciding that they could make a difference. He mentioned that one person can help win a battle.

Abby Johnson

Abby Johnson’s speech promoted the same theme of freedom and liberty, but her topic also focused on preserving innocent life. As a former advocate of abortion and a celebrated leader in the Planned Parenthood organization, Abby detailed the change in the way she looked at abortion once she witnessed the abortion process first-hand. She mentioned that Texas has become complacent and comfortable because we are mostly a conservative state, but added that conferences in Texas are some of the lowest attended events. In California where conservatives are fighting for their lives politically, they understand the urgency of the moment. She also mentioned that Houston is the home to the second largest abortion clinic in the world, second only to China. She pleaded with the audience to take action, participate in the process and go to these abortion clinics and pray for them. She also advocated for supporting through donations to local pregnancy centers. The most vulnerable people in our country are unborn babies fighting for the right to live.

The evening was an exciting and impressive look at ways the community could plug into local county and state politics, Montgomery County Republican Chair, Bryan Christ and his wife Kristin Christ, explained how each person could identify a place of service in the fight to preserve our freedoms.