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Gratitude and Giving

OMGoodness!! It’s almost Thanksgiving and in what seems like a few short days later it will be Christmas. It’s exciting, but always a little daunting, and often I have to remind myself to slow down and just be grateful.
What are you grateful for? One of the big things on my list is YOU..the members of the Conroe Art League. As I think of you I imagine your beautiful art displayed in The Madeley Fine Art Gallery, you working your docent shift, you teaching a class, you working on a committee, you serving on the CAL Board and this list goes on and on and on. Every single contribution is significant to the whole.
We are so fortunate to be able to share the CAL environment of creativity and friendship with each other and anyone who may walk through the Gallery doors.
So, as we celebrate all the good things in our lives, we ask that you consider remembering CAL when you make year-end donations. Every contribution helps CAL continue our community outreach, monthly Juan Cantavella Award of Excellence, Student Awards, the General Operations of the league and gallery and many other areas. Click on our donation link at https://conroeartleague.com/Donations and you can designate the specific area you want to support with your contribution.
Thank you for being part of our Conroe Art League and enjoy a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.
Pam Markham, President