Sacred Heart Catholic School 4th graders participate in Alex's Lemonade Stand fundraiser

By: J. Werner
| Published 05/30/2014


CONROE, Texas -- Sacred Heart Catholic School fourth graders declared war on cancer, serving lemonade for donations and raising more than $2,000 for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation that helps fund childhood cancer research one cup at a time.

Fourth graders declare war on childhood cancers one cup of lemonade at a time.

The lemonade and cookies sold by the fourth graders for the foundation, helps fight childhood cancer through funded research and new programs across the country, and to promote cup at a time.

“Every year,the Sacred Heart fourth grade students join schools across the nation to raise money for childhood cancer research,” said Sacred Heart Catholic School spokesperson, Beth Istre. “They raised over $2,000 this year in just 2 days, and were very proud of their contribution and ability to help fund this amazing foundation!”

Alexandra "Alex" Scott, born January 18, 1996, in Manchester, Connecticut, was diagnosed two days before her first birthday with neuroblastoma, a rare and deadly pediatric cancer of the nervous system. At the age of four, despite her own failing health, she decided to raise money to help other children with cancer by setting up a lemonade stand. She raised $2,000 with her first lemonade stand, and turned it into an annual tradition. Alex died on August 1, 2004, at the age of eight, but her fundraising tradition lives on as Sacred Heart Catholic School in Conroe, and across the country, wherever there are children with kind hearts and a giving spirit.

For more information about Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, visit the link provided.