Commissioner James Noack leads reduction in tax rate, Animal Shelter budget

By: Matthew Beasley
| Published 09/07/2016


MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Texas — Montgomery County Precinct 3 Commissioner James Noack’s proposal to cut the tax rate by one cent was unanimously approved during Commissioner’s Court on Tuesday. The current tax rate of $.4767/$100 will be reduced to $.4667/$100 by lowering the amount originally allocated to the capital improvement fund.

“The one-cent reduction is both measurable and meaningful,” said Noack. “This reduction is something our tax payers have not only asked for, but something they deserve.” The tax decrease will still satisfy our debt service requirement, fund our operating budget and keep the road and bridge rate the same.

Commissioner Noack and Precinct 2 Commissioner Charlie Riley also suggested an amendment to the Montgomery County Animal Shelter budget that would set aside $1 million of the $3.4 million proposed, in-order to take a further look at exactly how the budget is being utilized to improve the conditions of the shelter. This motion was approved 3-2 with Commissioners Noack, Riley and Judge Craig Doyal in favor.

“This action will allow us to take an in-depth look at how we can best utilize the money for the animal shelter in-order to see real, tangible changes and potentially save the lives of thousands of homeless animals,” said Noack.

For more information, please contact Evan Besong at 281-367-3977